Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Home Staging in the Holidays - the how, why and what.

Home Staging

Selling and buying homes in the holidays is different.  Is it really? Ok, let’s look at it - 

First of all there is always this debate (statistically proven or not) – good time to list or not good time to list. I thought it could be a slow time till a home we staged last week had offers within the first week and we thought it would take a while to sell in this season. There may be more examples such as these and some on the flip side as well. But the core fundamentals don't change really and there are serious buyers in the market. But yes, it is a somewhat different time. Smart marketing hence implies understanding consumer behavior in the holidays.
 It is a different time because psychologically we are in a different state of mind, a different mood. The environment, the aura all makes a difference. So, how differently should one stage a home, in the market for the Holidays? If the buyer’s state of mind is different and influenced by holiday cheer do homes need to be staged differently? Well, the truth is it needs balance and here is how. 

Do not go overboard
Home Staging during holidays needs to have a couple of subtle elements but nothing that takes away the core fundamentals and strengths, focal points of the home. A Christmas tree in a home where owners are staying is great, but a Christmas Tree in an empty vacant home which has been specifically staged is not great. 

Elements that can bring in holiday décor
I would recommend two subtle ways as examples to bring in the holidays element in a home for sale. The first is the centerpiece on a dining arrangement. It’s imaginative, it brings in the visualization of a family meal and it’s a pop of color. It will bring uniqueness and be remembered. There are plenty of inventive ideas to add a holiday element in the dining arrangement or the dining centerpiece.

Center pieces - Credit: StoneGable 
Home Staging- Centerpieces. Credit: JPM Sales.

The second example is the fireplace. If the fireplace is a focal point and available one can add elements to strengthen the focal point. Here too, don’t decorate it way too much keep it subtle and elegant – select candles, glass vases or jars with pine cones, ornaments.With the core logic and understanding in mind, one can now bring alive the holidays in a subtle, elegant manner for buyers. But, do remember overpowering holidays staging will mean doing away with it post holiday season. So keep it short and simple!

Happy Holidays!


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